Kaget ya baca judulnya? Hehe.. Tapi, judul tersebut sebenernya bukan statement, tetapi pertanyaan dari para jurnalis. Gini ceritanya..
Belum lama ini, Wonder Girls jalan-jalan ke Taiwan (well, sebenernya bukan jalan-jalan sih.. tapi promo album mereka). Udah pada tau kan, lagu 2 Different tears milik mereka yang lagi booming sekarang? Nah, pas promo di Taiwan, ada seorang jurnalis yang nggak sopan tiba-tiba mengajukan pertanyaan nggak senonoh di tengah-tengah wawancara.
"Apakah Wonder Girls sudah kehilangan keperawanan?" Nah lho!
Gara-gara pertanyaan tersebut, para anggota Wonder Girls langsung kaget dan merasa terpojok. Tapi, dengan berani,
Yu-Bin bilang, bahwa itu adalah pertanyaan yang nggak pantas untuk diajukan. Apalagi, ada anggota Wonder Girls yang masih di bawah umur.
Setelah berita kontroversial tersebut sampai ke telinga penggemar Wonder Girls di Korea, para penggemar setia mereka tersebut nggak terima. Karena, menurut mereka, pertanyaan kayak gitu sama aja pelecehan seksual. Mereka pun menghimbau Wonder Girls untuk menuntut permintaan maaf dari sang jurnalis tersebut.
Hmm.. jadi pengen liat muka jurnalisnya. Jangan-jangan sange'? :D
Shock read the title? Hehe .. But, the title is actually not a statement, but the questions from the journalists. Curious about the story? Here we go ..
Recently, the Wonder Girls traveled to Taiwan promoting their new album. You must already known 2 Different tears song which is very popular now, have you? When the promotion in Taiwan is being held, there is a cheeky journalist who is suddenly ask questions in the middle of the interview. "Are Wonder Girls already losing virginity?" Ouw-ouw!
Because of these questions, the members of Wonder Girls immediately shocked and felt cornered. But, with courage, Yu-Bin said, that that question was not deserve to be asked. Moreover, there are member of the Wonder Girls who is still under age.
After this controversial news reached the ears of the Wonder Girls fans in Korea, their loyal fans are not accepted. Because, according to them, that question is a sexual harassment. They also called on Wonder Girls to demand an apology from the journalist.